(Aug 2023 - Sept 2023)
Software Engineer Intern
constcoder={name:'Abhinav Mathur',skills:['React', 'NextJS', 'Python', 'C++', 'Tensorflow', 'MySql', 'Pytorch', 'Docker', 'AWS'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who am I?
My name is Abhinav Mathur. I am a professional and enthusiastic programmer in my daily life. I am a quick learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn and explore new technologies and am passionate about problem-solving. I love almost all the stacks of Data Science and deep learning development and love to make the world better with data. My core skill is based on Python and I love to do most of the things using Python. I am available for any kind of job opportunity that suits my skills and interests.
(Aug 2023 - Sept 2023)
Software Engineer Intern
(Jan 2022 - Present)
Machine Learning Engineer
Upwork (freelance)
(Jan 2018 - Present)
Self Employed
Code and build something in everyday.
Food Image Classification Model
constproject={name:'Food Image Classification Model',tools: ['Python', 'TensorFlow', 'Google Colab', 'Ubuntu],myRole:Machine Learning Developer,Description: Developed a sophisticated food image classification model capable of categorizing images into 101 distinct food classes. Used TensorFlow to build a customized neural network, incorporating advanced layers and optimizers. Applied transfer learning methodologies to enhance model performance, achieving 78% top-1 accuracy and 95% top-5 accuracy.,};
Multi-Disease Prediction Web App
constproject={name:'Multi-Disease Prediction Web App',tools: ['Python', 'Streamlit', 'Scikit-learn', 'Pandas', 'Ubuntu],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: Developed a web app using Streamlit to predict heart disease, Parkinson’s, and gestational diabetes. Implemented machine learning models like Random Forest and XGBoost, achieving 92% accuracy in predictions. Deployed the app via Streamlit for user-friendly interaction.,};
MedScan: Disease and Injury Image Analysis
constproject={name:'MedScan: Disease and Injury Image Analysis',tools: ['Python', 'Streamlit', 'Gemini API', 'Ubuntu],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: Created a web app for analyzing medical images and providing diagnostic insights. Integrated the Gemini API to automate image classification, achieving 90% accuracy. The app improved healthcare analysis speed by 25%.,};
SkimLit: Sequential Sentence Classification
constproject={name:'SkimLit: Sequential Sentence Classification',tools: ['Python', 'TensorFlow', 'Keras', 'Google Colab', 'Ubuntu],myRole:Machine Learning Developer,Description: Built a multi-input neural network using TensorFlow to classify medical text. Created a hybrid embedding model with token, character, and positional embeddings, achieving a 10% improvement in accuracy for medical literature classification tasks.,};
2021 - Present
Bachelor Degree
Vellore Institute Of Technology
2018 - 2020
Higher Secondary Certificate
Springdale College
2008 - 2018
Secondary School Certificate
Springdale College
1 months ago
Medical Disease/Injury Analysis App using Gemini API
4 Min Read
In recent years, the integration of AI with healthcare has brought transformative potential in...
1 months ago
Multiple Disease Prediction App
2 Min Read
In this guide, we'll show you how to install and run a multiple disease prediction web app that...
© Developer Portfolio by Abhinav Mathur